2200-meter band

The 2200 meter or 136 kHz band is the lowest frequency band in which amateur radio operators are allowed to transmit. It is available for use in several countries, and at the 2007 World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-07), it was made the newest world wide amateur allocation. The band is available on a secondary basis in all ITU regions with the limitation that amateur stations have maximum radiated power of 1 Watt effective isotropic radiated power.

The 2200 meter band is in the low frequency (LF) region, just below the 153–279 kHz longwave broadcasting band. Before its introduction in the UK in 1998, operation on the even lower frequency of 73 kHz had been allowed from 1996 until 2003.


International frequency allocation

A number of European countries have already allocated the zone 135.7-137.8 kHz to amateur radio use based on CEPT/ERC Recommendation 62-01 E ("Use of the band 135.7-137.8 kHz by the Amateur Service", Mainz 1997). The allocation is on a secondary basis with a maximum e.r.p. power of 1 W. Otherwise the band 130-148.5 is allocated on a primary base to the Maritime Mobile Service and the Fixed Service. The main users are naval one-way transmissions and radiolocation systems.

The International Telecommunication Union's 2007 World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-07) in Geneva agreed a secondary allocation 135.7-137.8 kHz to the Amateur Service on Friday November 9 (LowFER).

Technical issues

Such low frequency transmissions require specialist, and therefore usually home made, equipment. In countries where it is allowed, maximum transmission radiated power is usually limited to 1 watt (0 dBW), but even this can be extremely difficult to achieve from practical home made equipment and antennas. Reception also poses problems due to considerable natural and man-made noise and interference (QRN and QRM).

Many users and experimenters have settled on extremely slow, computer-generated and displayed morse code as the most common transmission mode. This mode is known as QRSS, where the doubling of the S emphasises the extreme slowness. The international Q code QRS already stood for "Please send more slowly", or "slow morse" in radio jargon.

Band plan

The 2005 IARU Region 1 Conference defined the band as follows [1]:

135.7 - 136.0 kHz
Station Tests and transatlantic reception window
136.0 - 137.4 kHz
137.4 - 137.6 kHz
Non-Telegraphy digital modes
137.6 - 137.8 kHz
Very slow telegraphy centred on 137.7 kHz

United States

There is no 136 kHz amateur allocation in the United States.

In 1998, the Federal Communications Commission rejected an ARRL petition for LF allocations at 135.7 - 137.8 kHz and 160 – 190 kHz.

In 2002, indications from the FCC had been that 136 kHz privileges would be authorized soon. On May 14, 2003, however, the FCC declined to grant these privileges citing concerns over potential interference with power line communications used by electrical utilities to control the power grid.

The FCC added that amateurs wishing to experiment with 136 kHz communications may apply for experimental licenses or operate within existing Part 15 regulations for this part of the electromagnetic spectrum. In the case of Part 15, the field strength measured 300 meters from the antenna may not exceed 2400 microvolts per meter divided by the frequency in kilohertz, or approximately 17 microvolts per meter.

Countries in which operation is permitted

Countries with a known band allocation

Countries with past or current experimental operation


  1. ^ "Belgian Rules and regulations". Belgian Amateur Radio Society. 04/21/2010. http://www.uba.be/belgian-rules-and-regulations. Retrieved 08/20/2010. 
  3. ^ http://members.shaw.ca/ve7sl/136.html 136 kHz Report, retrieved 2011 Aug 13
  4. ^ "Australian Amateur Band Plans" (PDF). Wireless Institute of Australia. 6/08/2011. p. 3. http://www.wia.org.au/members/bandplans/data/documents/Australian%20Band%20Plans%20110806.pdf. Retrieved 8/13/2011. "The following plan is recommended as an interim plan for the 2200 metre band. This plan is based on the unofficial 2200 metre band plan adopted by LF operators in ITU Region I." 
  5. ^ "New Zealand Amateur Radio Bandplans" (PDF). New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters. 2011. p. 1. http://www.nzart.org.nz/assets/maps/2011/bp1-2.pdf. Retrieved 8/13/2011. "0.130 to 0.190 MHz – 1800 metres Radiated power must not exceed 5 W e.i.r.p." 
  • Dodd, Peter (2000). Low frequency experimenter's handbook. Potters bar,UK: Radio Society of Great Britain. ISBN 1-872309-65-8. 
  • Dennison, M. and Moritz, J. (2007). LF Today: a guide to success on 136 and 500kHz. Potters bar,UK: Radio Society of Great Britain. ISBN 978-1-905086-36-8. 

See also